It’s very pleasant to know that lebanon still has breathtaking greenery scenes that you can’t find anywhere else on the face of earth . Jezzine is a very beautiful part of lebanon’s touristic gems .

It is 73 km away from Beirut. Spreading over 2421 ha , the city is 952 m high.

It is the main summer resort and tourist destination of South Lebanon

Jezzine is One of the   most beautiful districts with mountain peaks and pine forests, stunning natural beauty and rich agricultural diversity.

It is also remarkable for its waterfalls , they are among the highest in lebanon and have earned the town the title of “ city of falls” .

The Jezzine region is one of the country’s cherished hiking spots and showcases the natural beauty of lebanon’s mountains. It’s a place where you can find peace, unity, strength, and most importantly a natural and beautiful life .

The statue of virgin Mary stands at the west entrance of jezzine overlooking the villages of Bkassine, Wadi Jezzine, the Bkassine Pine Forest and the waterfall. It’s religious significance and cultural icon has become a key point in the region with vast Natural landscapes surrounding it .

Jezzine is a perfect place for everyone to retreat; a spot where the world grows quite enough for the soul to speak .

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